
Performing CPR? Avoid These Mistakes!

As one of the most crucial life-saving techniques available to us today, cardiopulmonary resuscitation helps save at least 18% of those who are suffering cardiac arrest. Here at The Certification Center, your source for trusted CPR training in NYC, we know that mistakes can be made from anyone – from experts and professionals to bystanders who are just trying to help.

The fact of the matter is, when you're performing a live-saving procedure like CPR, you really can't afford to make mistakes since one single mistake could be the event that cost you a life. Today we're talking a look at some of the biggest and most common mistakes that occur during CPR.

  • Performing improper steps of CPR: CPR in itself is a process and procedure that requires one to follow a specific course of steps for it to be effective. If you don't follow the steps – for example, performing rescue breaths before you perform chest compressions – can cause more harm than good.
  • Ensure posture is correct and that you're performing the correct depth of chest compressions. All CPR guidelines assert that you need to keep your elbows straight while giving chest compressions. Chest compressions require stressful effort and they require a lot of focused strength in one area. This is why you must keep your elbows straight when performing chest compressions. Furthermore, the apt depth to perform chest compressions is around 2 inches for adults and 1 inch for younger children and infants.
  • Don't forget to call 911! You can't continue manual CPR for extended periods of time or you'll exhaust yourself. Make sure you or someone close by calls 911 immediately while you're helping the victim.
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