

tncc certification course new york

The Certification Center, Inc. sponsors 

Emergency Nurses' Association (ENA) Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC)

We Offer Three Options for TNCC Certification

2 Day TNCC Training – Initial course for new ED RNs or RNs that see trauma patients infrequently.
1 Day Fast Track– For Experienced RN’s who have had TNCC in the past and just need a refresher before testing.
Challenge – Typically for Experienced RN’s who have had TNCC in the past and work in active trauma centers. This is just skills testing with no training. No pre-course modules required. BE PREPARED, make sure you are extremely comfortable with the Trauma Nursing Process (TNP)—we will provide references PRIOR to attending if requested.

Register Now

To complete the course, you must:

  • Obtain and review of the 8th edition TNCC textbook-- REQUIRED for all Options (available for purchase & pickup thru our office).
  • Complete the online pre-course modules (Link to ENA website issued after registration). Required for 2-day & 1-day Fast Track. Must be completed BEFORE arriving for the class. Entry is not possible WITHOUT pre-course modules completed.
  • Complete and participate in the required class sessions for the selected course.  Pass the Trauma Nursing Process Skills session with a 70% or greater.
  • Pass the online written exam (80% or greater) within 7 days of the course (50 questions, open-book, 2-hour time limit, 2 attempts, random questions)
  • Textbook or eBook for TNCC: We recommend registering about 4 weeks prior to course to prepare for the TNCC content. If you are registering in a shorter time, please realize that you will have less time to prepare. The TNCC written exam is an open-book exam so having the textbook is essential for successful completion. ENA offers an E-Book as an option for late registrants not having a hardcopy textbook that can be emailed at the time the eBook order is placed.

Registration Fees:

2-Day Training Course - $395.00
1-Day Fast Track Course- $245.00 TNCC
Challenge- $195.00

Additional Costs:

TNCC 8th Edition Student Manual: $90.00
E-Book, TNCC 8th Edition Provider Manual: $78.00

Continuing Professional Development Contact Hours:

ENA is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation Commission on Accreditation. Attendees receive a Certificate of Attendance with the appropriate number of contact hours awarded after attending the course and completing a course evaluation. Attendees must attend the entire course to receive contact hours.


Jerry O’Leary DNP, RN--- ENA TNCC/ENPC Course Director/ Instructor
Louise McEvoy MSN, RN--- ENA TNCC/ENPC Instructor

Analysis of the Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC)


The Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) is a professional organization dedicated to advancing excellence in emergency nursing. Among its various educational offerings, the Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC) stands out as a pivotal training program designed to equip nurses with the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively manage trauma patients. This analysis delves into the comprehensive curriculum of the TNCC, examining its components, teaching methodologies, and the critical skills it imparts to emergency nurses.

Background of TNCC

The TNCC was first developed by the ENA in 1986 in response to the growing need for specialized training in trauma care. The course has since evolved, incorporating the latest evidence-based practices and recommendations from leading trauma care experts. Its primary goal is to provide a systematic, standardized approach to the care of trauma patients, ensuring that nurses can deliver consistent and high-quality care in emergency settings.

Course Structure

The TNCC is structured into several key components, each designed to build upon the previous one, ensuring a cohesive and comprehensive learning experience. The course typically spans two days and includes a combination of didactic lectures, hands-on skills stations, and interactive simulations. The main components of the TNCC curriculum include:

1. Initial Assessment and Management:

o The course begins with an introduction to the principles of trauma care, emphasizing the importance of a systematic approach to the initial assessment and management of trauma patients. This includes the primary survey (ABCDEs) and the secondary survey, as well as the identification and management of life-threatening conditions.

2. Airway and Ventilation:

o This module covers the assessment and management of airway and breathing problems in trauma patients. It includes techniques for opening the airway, intubation, and ventilation support, as well as the recognition and management of conditions such as tension pneumothorax and hemothorax.

3. Shock and Hemorrhage:

o Nurses learn to identify and manage different types of shock, with a particular focus on hemorrhagic shock. The course covers fluid resuscitation, blood transfusion protocols, and the use of hemostatic agents and techniques to control bleeding.

4. Head and Spinal Injuries:

o This section addresses the assessment and management of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) and spinal cord injuries. It includes the use of the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring, and spinal immobilization techniques.

5. Thoracic and Abdominal Trauma:

o Nurses are trained to recognize and manage injuries to the chest and abdomen, including rib fractures, cardiac tamponade, and abdominal compartment syndrome. The course emphasizes the importance of rapid diagnosis and intervention in these cases.

6. Musculoskeletal and Soft Tissue Injuries:

o This module covers the assessment and management of fractures, dislocations, and soft tissue injuries. It includes the use of splints, traction, and wound care techniques, as well as the principles of pain management in trauma patients.

7. Pediatric Trauma:

o Recognizing that children have unique anatomical and physiological differences, the TNCC includes a dedicated module on pediatric trauma. This section covers the assessment and management of injuries in pediatric patients, including the use of appropriate equipment and techniques.

8. Geriatric Trauma:

o Similar to pediatric trauma, the course includes a module on the unique challenges of managing trauma in elderly patients. This includes considerations for comorbidities, frailty, and the potential for atypical presentations of injuries.

9. Trauma Team Dynamics:

o Effective trauma care requires a coordinated team effort. This module focuses on the roles and responsibilities of different team members, communication strategies, and the principles of crisis resource management (CRM).

10. Psychosocial Aspects of Trauma Care:

o The TNCC also addresses the psychological and emotional aspects of trauma care, including the impact of trauma on patients and their families, as well as strategies for providing compassionate and effective support.

Teaching Methodologies

The TNCC employs a variety of teaching methodologies to ensure that nurses not only acquire theoretical knowledge but also develop practical skills and critical thinking abilities. These methodologies include:

1. Didactic Lectures:

o These sessions provide the foundational knowledge needed for trauma care, covering the key concepts and principles of each module. Lectures are typically interactive, with opportunities for questions and discussions.

2. Skills Stations:

o Hands-on practice is a crucial component of the TNCC. Skills stations allow nurses to practice techniques such as intubation, chest tube insertion, and splinting under the guidance of experienced instructors. This hands-on practice helps to reinforce theoretical knowledge and build confidence.

3. Simulation Exercises:

o The course includes high-fidelity simulations that replicate real-life trauma scenarios. These exercises allow nurses to apply their knowledge and skills in a controlled environment, where they can practice decision-making, teamwork, and communication.

4. Case Studies:

o Case studies are used to illustrate the application of theoretical knowledge to real-world situations. These discussions help nurses to develop critical thinking skills and learn from the experiences of others.

5. Evaluation and Feedback:

o The TNCC includes both formative and summative assessments to evaluate participants' knowledge and skills. Formative assessments, such as quizzes and practical exams, provide feedback to help nurses identify areas for improvement. Summative assessments, such as the final written exam and skills assessment, ensure that participants have met the course objectives.

Key Skills and Competencies

The TNCC aims to equip nurses with a comprehensive set of skills and competencies that are essential for effective trauma care. These include:

1. Systematic Assessment:

o One of the core competencies taught in the TNCC is the ability to conduct a systematic and thorough assessment of trauma patients. This includes the primary survey (ABCDEs) to identify and manage life-threatening conditions, followed by the secondary survey to identify other injuries and gather a detailed history.

2. Critical Thinking and Decision-Making:

o The course emphasizes the importance of critical thinking and decision-making in trauma care. Nurses learn to prioritize interventions based on the severity of injuries and the patient's overall condition, and to make quick, informed decisions in high-pressure situations.

3. Technical Skills:

o The TNCC provides extensive training in the technical skills required for trauma care, such as airway management, intubation, chest tube insertion, and splinting. Nurses also learn to perform rapid and accurate assessments using tools such as the Glasgow Coma Scale and the Revised Trauma Score.

4. Teamwork and Communication:

o Effective trauma care relies on a coordinated team effort. The TNCC teaches nurses to work effectively as part of a trauma team, with an emphasis on clear communication, role clarity, and collaboration. The course also covers the principles of crisis resource management (CRM), which are essential for maintaining effective teamwork under stress.

5. Psychosocial Support:

o The TNCC recognizes the importance of providing psychosocial support to trauma patients and their families. Nurses learn strategies for delivering compassionate care, addressing the emotional and psychological impact of trauma, and supporting patients and families through the recovery process.

Impact on Trauma Care

The TNCC has had a significant impact on the quality of trauma care provided by emergency nurses. By equipping nurses with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively manage trauma patients, the course has contributed to improved patient outcomes and a higher standard of care in emergency settings. Some of the key impacts of the TNCC include:

1. Improved Patient Outcomes:

o Research has shown that nurses who have completed the TNCC are better equipped to manage trauma patients, leading to improved patient outcomes. This includes faster identification and management of life-threatening conditions, more effective resuscitation efforts, and better overall patient care.

2. Enhanced Confidence and Competence:

o The comprehensive training provided by the TNCC helps to build nurses' confidence and competence in trauma care. This, in turn, allows them to provide more effective and efficient care in emergency situations, reducing the risk of errors and improving patient safety.

3. Standardized Care:

o By providing a standardized approach to trauma care, the TNCC helps to ensure that all nurses are equipped with the same foundational knowledge and skills. This consistency is critical for maintaining high standards of care across different settings and improving overall patient outcomes.

4. Professional Development:

o Completing the TNCC is a valuable professional development opportunity for nurses. The course enhances their knowledge and skills, making them more effective and competitive in their roles. It also provides a pathway for further specialization and advancement in the field of trauma care.

The Emergency Nurses' Association (ENA) Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC) is a comprehensive and rigorous training program that plays a crucial role in preparing nurses for the challenges of trauma care. Through its structured curriculum, diverse teaching methodologies, and focus on key skills and competencies, the TNCC equips nurses with the knowledge and confidence needed to deliver high-quality care to trauma patients. The impact of the TNCC on trauma care is significant, leading to improved patient outcomes, enhanced confidence and competence among nurses, standardized care practices, and valuable professional development opportunities. As the field of trauma care continues to evolve, the TNCC remains an essential component of emergency nursing education, ensuring that nurses are prepared to meet the demands of this critical and dynamic area of healthcare.

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