
You Can Save Hearts By Taking Our CPR Training In NYC!

One of the greatest feelings in the world is saving someone's life. Having the knowledge to do so is a whole nother matter. But for those looking to finally take the steps necessary to figure our the life saving methods and tactics that work, they have our CPR Training in NYC at their beck and call. Our course is called the 'HeartSaver CPR AED Online Course,' and it's full of all the information you'll need to know to confidently save someone's life someday.

Firstly, it will teach you to check the victim for unresponsiveness, making sure that the victim actually needs CPR; this is important because it's very dangerous to apply CPR actions to someone that doesn't need it. If they are not responsive or breathing normally, you should call 911 immediately. Then, you should return to the victim and proceed with the actions our CPR Training in NYC will teach you. Beginning with chest compressions by pushing down in the center of their chest is the first action-based movement. You'll actually be pushing down into the chest 2 whole inches for 30 times, with a rate of at least 100 per minute. Then you'll need to tilt the head back, lift the chin, and pinch the nose to appropriately cover their mouth with yours. Blow into their mouth with a force that will make their chest rise, typically by giving 2 breaths at a time.

Here at The Certification Center, you'll receive instructions that are easy to comprehend. Step by step, you'll learn the appropriate ways to save hearts. With the certificate you'll receive after completion, you'll love what our CPR Training in NYC has done for you.

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