
Common Warning Signs of a Stroke

Strokes are all too common. In fact, approximately every 40 seconds someone has a stroke. One of the things that you will learn when you take our BCLS certification course in NYC is the risk factors for stroke, but until then, you should at least know about the common warning signs, because the longer it takes a stroke victim to get treatment, the more likely they are to have serious, permanent damage. The following is a list of the most common warning signs of a stroke:

  • Vision- Is the patient inexplicably having trouble seeing clearly out of one of both of their eyes?
  • Talking- Are they slurring their words, having trouble pronouncing common words, or are they unable to articulate what they need?
  • Understanding- Are they unable to understand what you are saying, even if you are speaking clearly and simply?
  • Headache- Do they have a sever headache that seems to have come from out of nowhere?
  • Dizziness- Are they inexplicably dizzy?
  • Drooping- Have you noticed drooping or weakness in their arms, legs or face on one particular side?

Although these symptoms can develop over time, if someone is having a stroke, it is likely that they will experience one or more of the above symptoms suddenly. Getting help immediately is of the utmost importance when someone is having a stroke, so make sure that you don't ignore any of these signs. Get help right away and be sure to notate the time when the symptoms started to begin, as this information will be valuable to the hospital. 

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